Fast Fwd: The Fully Recovered Mindset

“Are you ready? It will just be a little prick,” my physiatrist warned. “Thanks for the heads up,” I joked. Prick, and the needle penetrated my left trapezius. My doctor turned the switch on the funny little contraption sitting in front of us, which started to hum faintly. “This is how we figure out where to inject,” he said. “The louder the noise from the machine, the more active the muscle is.” That’s kind of cool, I remember thinking. So we listen to the muscle to get a sense of where the spasticity and tone is most prominent and inject.

But as cool as it sounded in theory, the reality was this was more than just a little prick, even for me, someone who has always had a high tolerance for pain. Even as a child, I was never scared of getting shots. After all, it was just a needle. In and out, right? Well if you’ve ever gotten Botox, you know it’s not so simple. The needle goes in, and stays in until the doctor has found the correct muscle and injected. For me, the whole process could take an hour’s time. But it helped. A lot.

To hear the rest of the story of my experience with Botox injections for spasticity management, head over to my Indiegogo campaign and pre-order your copy of Fast Fwd: The Fully Recovered Mindset! My publisher, New Degree Press, has officially approved my manuscript for publication in April 2020, and I’m so excited! Like I say in the video on the campaign page, this book is not just for stroke and brain injury survivors, but caretakers, friends, family, or anyone trying to understand life after stroke. 

As you will see on the campaign page, there are many options for pre-order. I would be extremely appreciative to have your support in ordering a copy or sharing the campaign with anyone who may be interested. If you opt to purchase a copy of my book, you’ll be invited to join my beta reader community to give feedback on early chapters, be involved in helping me select my cover design, and much more.

I was compelled to write this book because I wanted to share my journey with stroke recovery in such a way that would benefit other survivors. Recovery can be a long (very long) and isolating journey, but it doesn’t have to be. I am here for you and want to help however I can. As always, if you have any questions or just want to chat, don’t hesitate to shoot me a message at or DM me on Instagram (@maddistrokeofluck). Thank you all for your support in this book-writing endeavor, and I look forward to connecting with you and hearing your stories. Onward! 
Here is the link to watch my promotional video and order your copy of Fast Fwd:

3 thoughts on “Fast Fwd: The Fully Recovered Mindset

      1. Yes and it was injected in places where I never got a shot there Before like the palm of my hand bicep etc..


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